The Phoenix Phenomenon Is Coming

About Bren.M.Hobbs

Bren Hobbs developed her curiosity about hidden truths as she considered matters of faith. Motivation to make sense out of situations around the world sparked interest in what we really know about our origins and the extent that prophecy plays in our end. Opening up her mind to unlimited possibilities about who holds the truth revealed the lengths mankind has gone through to keep it hidden. Pairing her love of science fiction and deep convictions about man’s humanity to mankind brought her first novel ‘Star Enders The Last 18. She is currently finishing the Star Ender trilogy


I want to thank you for taking the time to explore my website and read my book. If you’re wondering when I became fascinated with how it all will end for mankind, I guess that happened when I became hyper focused on humanity itself and many of the injustices certain cultures have, and continue to endure.

As a true Aquarius, I have been conflicted most of my life with the religion I was introduced to as a young girl. My natural love for nature and the planet were often in direct conflict with religion’s teachings of dominion and privilege. I was adopted, so I struggled with identity issues, loss, and insecurities, even though I was deeply loved. These identity questions have stayed with me most of my life, and as I’ve grown older, I have realized that for me, those questions can never be answered through organized religion.

I do what feels good now, grounding myself to the true Mother and gravitating toward cultures of people that live that way. I hope that you will find something that resonates with you in the story of The Last 18. Please feel free to message me with any questions or comments.

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